Think Anomalous is Hiring an Illustrator
$35 - 40 (CAD) / illustration
Think Anomalous is a website and YouTube channel that communicates vital information on anomalous phenomena - what we often call the “paranormal,” or the “supernatural,” - to a general audience. Videos are structured like historical documentaries with voice-over narration, and they’re often focused on specific cases (UFO sightings, hauntings, etc.). Narration is synced to images and video procured from the internet, but for specific action points, I need custom, digitally-rendered illustrations with specific elements saved in different layers so that I can animate them moving in Final Cut Pro. The ideal candidate will tailor their style to the somber but mystical tone of the videos, one that embodies the Think Anomalous brand. Ideally, the candidate will have a less cartoonish, and more consistent style than the previous artist.
About the Job
I typically need about 15 illustrations per video, though it can be anywhere from 5 - 25. I average a video every 6 - 8 weeks, though I’m trying to increase my output. When starting a new video, I’ll provide you with a list of all the images I need, with a few sentences describing what I want in each one. I’ll request to see rough drafts for approval within a week, and we’ll agree on a due date for the finished illustrations. You’ll typically have 3 - 4 weeks to complete them, and I reserve the right to request a few revisions.
The successful candidate will work for hire, and sign over ownership and rights of all illustrations to Think Anomalous. He or she will work from home on a freelance basis, for a flat fee of $35 - $40 (CAD) per illustration, depending on the complexity of the image.
What’s Required
Email me at jason [at] to apply. Please attach/ link to a few samples of your work. If I’m interested, I’ll pay you $30 to make a sample illustration, as you would if you were hired. The quality of this image will determine if I award you the contract or not.
- Jason Charbonneau
About the Job
I typically need about 15 illustrations per video, though it can be anywhere from 5 - 25. I average a video every 6 - 8 weeks, though I’m trying to increase my output. When starting a new video, I’ll provide you with a list of all the images I need, with a few sentences describing what I want in each one. I’ll request to see rough drafts for approval within a week, and we’ll agree on a due date for the finished illustrations. You’ll typically have 3 - 4 weeks to complete them, and I reserve the right to request a few revisions.
The successful candidate will work for hire, and sign over ownership and rights of all illustrations to Think Anomalous. He or she will work from home on a freelance basis, for a flat fee of $35 - $40 (CAD) per illustration, depending on the complexity of the image.
What’s Required
- create rough drafts of images within a week of receiving instructions
- complete all illustrations, incorporating feedback on roughs
- adhere closely to instructions and reference images to include all requested detail
- export finished illustrations as .psd files with separated layers in 4k resolution
- upload all images and revisions to a Google Drive by the specified deadline
Email me at jason [at] to apply. Please attach/ link to a few samples of your work. If I’m interested, I’ll pay you $30 to make a sample illustration, as you would if you were hired. The quality of this image will determine if I award you the contract or not.
- Jason Charbonneau